When many of our clients install Silometric in their farms and start seeing the real utilities of our wireless sensor, they highlight some of the improvements that they could have noticed on their day to day. That is, we will see a few of the benefits mentioned by users of Silometric, and once you get to know them, you will surely not want to work in any other way.
Silometric was created to cover up the necessities of the agricultural and farming sector, to facilitate the measure between the silos. By taking advantage of the wireless technology we can get to know in real time the status of any farm silo. Besides, it does not require a complex installation, since farmers themselves can make the installation without the need of a professional’s presence.
DigitPlan connects directly to Silometric, where we can see from any device (mobile phone, tablet, PC) the status of our installations. This comes with a complete register that will always be available to check. DigitPlan offers us metrics, visualizations, alarm settings to organize the content of these silos.
We save up an worker’s time so they can spend it on other tasks, especially if we are talking about big installations, where you have to keep updated on many silos and that makes us lose a lot of time. With Silometric, that time gets reduced notably, since it is close to the reach of our hands at any moment and without doing any type of unnecessary movement.
We have always mentioned that with our DigitPlan app we can set up alarms for our silos that warn us when the capacity of a silo is almost done. This helps us restore the product with no issues and be proactive since we are more aware and have more control which avoids having any stocking problems.
If you have any problems or doubts, you can contact us so we can offer you solutions, help you discover the expectations about Silometric obtain the most benefits.
Silometric was created to cover up the necessities of the agricultural and farming sector, to facilitate the measure between the silos. By taking advantage of the wireless technology we can get to know in real time the status of any farm silo. Besides, it does not require a complex installation, since farmers themselves can make the installation without the need of a professional’s presence.
Boost your farm’s security
The benefit that our clients highlight the most is the reduction of labour risk that benefits them when installing the product. The workers do not have to go over the silos to check the stock of each one of them. This is thanks to our app DigitPlan, which warns us at any moment about each silo’s status in real life time.DigitPlan connects directly to Silometric, where we can see from any device (mobile phone, tablet, PC) the status of our installations. This comes with a complete register that will always be available to check. DigitPlan offers us metrics, visualizations, alarm settings to organize the content of these silos.
Optimize your time
Another main benefit that makes Silometric remarkable, is that it allows you to reduce the time you usually take to manage silos, since now Silometric is the one that takes care of it. You no longer have to assign that task to someone so they can revise the silo’s status manually, in fact we can configure Silometric to warn us automatically to check the process of our installations.We save up an worker’s time so they can spend it on other tasks, especially if we are talking about big installations, where you have to keep updated on many silos and that makes us lose a lot of time. With Silometric, that time gets reduced notably, since it is close to the reach of our hands at any moment and without doing any type of unnecessary movement.
More control
The characteristics that we highlight the most from Silometric is that it allows us to obtain a bigger control over our installations. Silometric informs us at any time in regard to the percentage capacity available in silos and with that we get to know exactly their stock. Thanks to this, we can calculate in a more extensive way the stock needed at any given moment and also enjoy from metrics that help us calculate the number of products necessary to take a bigger control in expenses.We have always mentioned that with our DigitPlan app we can set up alarms for our silos that warn us when the capacity of a silo is almost done. This helps us restore the product with no issues and be proactive since we are more aware and have more control which avoids having any stocking problems.
Technical tea is always available
The quality that sets us apart from any other product of this type is that our technical team is available at any time to facilitate both installation and the reading of the Silometric. At McSystems we make sure that every installation is done correctly and that its operation is at its best.If you have any problems or doubts, you can contact us so we can offer you solutions, help you discover the expectations about Silometric obtain the most benefits.