With the arrival of the new year, we set new professional goals and at Mc Systems we have been working for some time in new technological solutions to automatize procedures of control and measurement, and to give solutions to all those problems and needs which many companies these days have to face.
Our objectives are based on developing products to cover all the latent needs of companies, that are easy to install and guarantee the desired results.
Safety Fuel, the anti-theft solution
In order to start 2022 in the best possible way, we present to you Safety Fuel, our anti-theft solution for diesel tanks on trucks. This project was developed due to the transport industry’s demands and in collaboration with Calmet Maurici, dedicated workshop to the reparation and maintenance of industrial vehicles, who put across their preoccupation on this matter.
Our main objective whenever we develop any product is to offer viable solutions to control and management problems, which are practical and effective. Safety Fuel adapts to any type of tank for industrials vehicles and guarantees safety and reliability.
Why use Safety Fuel
There are many news that shock us about the theft of diesel in trucks, these thefts are usually carried out at service stations when the drivers are resting and sometimes even a gas is injected in the cabin to put them to sleep so they can’t react when the theft is happening.
These situations are a common problem, as a full double diesel tank can store up to 1.300€ in fuel.
These types of thefts have become really frequent and although carriers have tried to find solutions, such as the blocking the inlet of the tank. However, these measures do not deter thieves from trying, as they resort to other measures such as drilling holes in the tank to extract the diesel.
Faced with this problem, Safety Fuel, provides an effective solution as its alarm system activates when it detects any tampering or irregular contact. With its easy installation not only you win in security, but also, it’s the most economical solution as we will not only avoid the theft, but avoid unnecessary repairing that the tank may need.
Safety Fuel operation
It has a very simple operation through which in the event of any inappropriate movement or tampering, the system is activated and the alarm is triggered. It consists of different wireless sensors that are activated when they detect a vibration.
Safety Fuel was designed with the normal operation of a truck in mind and that is why the alarm does not trigger with the usual movement of the cabin, avoiding false alarms, it activates only when it detects a forced movement to open the fuel tank lid. diesel, or with movement or bumps in the tank.
Characteristics and installation
One of the main features of almost all our devices, such as the Safety Fuel, is that they do not require power or wiring because they work wirelessly. This facilitates a quick installation.
The Safety Fuel includes 3 vibration sensors that are installed in strategic points of the tank that we want to protect, through a small analysis that we carry out to place them in the appropriate points so that they work effectively in the event of theft.
The central unit is powered by truck battery voltage and can be configured remotely using the SafetyFuel mobile app.
We will also install the sound alarm, the one in charge of going off when unusual movement is detected, and that is controlled through a remote control as well as from the mobile application to activate and deactivate it.
Get in contact with us to know more
If you want more information about Safety Fuel, you can get in touch with us through our web page, or our contact telephone (+34) 973 50 18 88 or our e-mail, info@mcsystems.es.